
Thursday, January 28, 2010

How Would You Hold'em 1/27/10

Hey guys, welcome to today's edition of "How Would You Hold'em?"
As usual, click on the image below to see a video replay, complete with audio narration.

I see this situation all the time on Full Tilt and Pokerstars. This is pretty basic but a lot of people don't know exactly how to do this, but I would still call this a Beginner post.

In this situation, we're playing $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em online. We're going to cover how to get the most money possible when you flop a virtually unbeatable hand.

We've got K/J off-suit on the big blind, so naturally we're looking to play for free here. The other players allow us to check. Two other players join the hand:

Jackpot! You need to play this VERY SLOWLY, as the chances that anyone has a decent hand based on this flop is low because you've got all of the matching cards in your hand. I will check here and see if anyone bets. The player in position does, but I'm not going to raise him here because I know he doesn't have much:

I'm going to check here again, and see if he slows down. He does. This indicates that you will need to play the next card very carefully:

You need to bet here, lest you risk not making any more money from your monster hand. We can only hope he hit some kind of two-pair and will think that we're weak and bluffing. Because you've been checking the entire time, he/she may think that you missed a draw. Betting the pot or all-in here will immediately result in a fold, and a very small bet won't help your bankroll much. You need to make a believable bet that the other person has a chance of calling. I like to look at the pot and bet 50% to 75% of it. I'll stick to half. Sure enough, the bet is the right size:
My opponent called with two pair, thinking I was weak, when in fact I was playing with a made hand the entire time.

What type of hands would you guys like to see discussed on this blog? Submit some suggestions, and we'd love to select our favorites and use them in posts.

See you next time!

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